Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Diocesan Youth Event

“HAPPENING” in the Episcopal Diocese of New York
Friday-Sunday March 24-26, 2006
Incarnation Center, Ivoryton, CT

Happening is a spiritual retreat weekend designed to deepen the Christian experience of youth in grades 9-12. The weekend which includes worship, prayer, youth talks, group discussion, fellowship, activities, games and singing will be supervised by clergy and youth leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. The cost is $60 per youth. Financial assistance is available. A bus will be provided which will leave the Cathedral at 2 p.m. on Friday March 24 and return on Sunday evening. All registration forms and further information are available for downloading and copying on the youth page of the Diocesan web site.

Space is limited. Registration deadline is Friday, March 10. For further information, contact The Rev. Canon Patricia Mitchell at pmitchell@dioceseny.org 212-316-7433.


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