Hanging of the Greens
I can hardly wait until tomorrow! Not only is it Advent 4 (Mary's Sunday) but in the afternoon we have Hanging of the Greens. This is one of my all-time favorite events at the church -- the magic and excitement of getting the church ready for Christmas, as well as the coziness of our church family.
At 4 p.m. (on the 18th) we gather at different areas of the building and begin decorating the church. At 5 p.m. we stop and go in the Parish Hall for some delicious hamburger soup. At 5:30 we go back in the church and see the wonderful Christmas pageant starring all of our kids. Then we go back in the Parish Hall for Christmas cookies and cider. A wonderful time for us all.
There is, of course, the nasty business about the transit strike on Monday. What a potentially disappointing start to Christmas week. If you, or someone you know needs a ride to the City on Monday. There will be a sign-up sheet for drivers and those in need of a ride. Let's all pitch in and make sure everybody gets where they need to go!
God's Blessing to You All!
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